Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Follow-up on Enriching Technology

Both Anzella and Jenny recommended that I pursue my idea. We will approach a teacher and suggest the idea, and from there we can decide on times and the specific class for this assignment. For the teacher involved, Ms. Dyke would be the best because she is the head of the computer department and teaches many of the programming classes. As the idea is focused on progrmaming classes, I will be suggesting them, but if the project is successful, we could use it for other classes afterwards and give each student a topic to focus on, for example, in chemistry, students can focus on different functional groups in organic chemistry. To teach the class, a few IDC students including myself, can come in during a class to teach Jing or meet with Ms. Dyke at lunch or during her prep period.

Both Anzella and Jenny also raised the concern of recording the student's voices because the school does not have mics. However, mics can be purchased (as suggested by Ms. Cuttle) because it can be used for a variety of other tasks as well.

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